Team information
Nantes (u19)

Last 10 matches
Unknown (121') (121') Unknown (122') Unknown (123') Unknown competition: Europe (uefa) - Uefa Youth League 2023/2024
(12') Assoumani Dehmaine Hoejlund Emil (18') Nemeth Hunor (31') Chiakha Amin (33') Olsson Cornelius (35') (54') Mafoumbi Exauce (64') Leroux Louis Unknown (121') (121') Unknown Unknown (122') (122') Unknown (123') Unknown Unknown (123') Unknown (124') (124') Unknown (125') Unknown competition: Europe (uefa) - Uefa Youth League 2023/2024
Gomes Malang (19') competition: Europe (uefa) - Uefa Youth League 2023/2024
Martinez Sergio (51') (61') Unknown (63') Mafoumbi Exauce (66') Mafoumbi Exauce Salguero Ivan (69') Dugard Taigy (75') Collado Alberto (78') Unknown (121') (121') Unknown Unknown (122') (122') Unknown competition: Europe (uefa) - Uefa Youth League 2023/2024
(74') Ezeh David Unknown (121') (121') Unknown Unknown (122') (122') Unknown (123') Unknown Unknown (123') Unknown (124') competition: Europe (uefa) - Uefa Youth League 2023/2024
(18') Zeze Nathan competition: Europe (uefa) - Uefa Youth League 2023/2024
Unknown (121') (121') Unknown Unknown (122') (122') Unknown (123') Unknown (124') Unknown competition: Europe (uefa) - Uefa Youth League 2023/2024
(35') Norbert Paclawski Toure Sankoumba (68') competition: Europe (uefa) - Uefa Youth League 2023/2024
(17') Johnson Murray O'connor Josh (22') Allan Molotnikov Rudi (48') Aiken Murray (90') competition: Europe (uefa) - Uefa Youth League 2022/2023
(75') Laidlaw Ethan competition: Europe (uefa) - Uefa Youth League 2022/2023
Team form
Matches facts, based on last 10 played matches
Number of Nantes (u19) wins 2Number of Nantes (u19) draws 4Number of Nantes (u19) loses 4Average scored goals per match 1Average received goals per match 1.2Chance to score goal next match 60 %Chance to receive goal next match 60 %